
Arthritis herbal cures can more quickly help to relieve, if not eliminate, all of your arthritis symptoms, than diet alone. While it is extremely important to follow a diet low in animal products and acidity, and high in green leafy vegetable, supplementing with the following herbs can also help to provide an arthritis herbal cure.

The following is a list of herbs to help assist in eliminating your arthritis:

  • Chaparral and Burdock: These herbs help to eliminate a dampness condition, or a condition of excess water and fluids in the body.
  • Devil's Claw, Burdock, and Black Cohosh: These herbs help to reduce inflammation.
  • Sassafras and black cohosh: These herbs produce sweating to excrete toxins lodged in the tendons and joints
  • Black cohosh and Ginger: These herbs have antispasmodic properties, which will help with pain and spasms.
  • Prickly ash and Ginger: the herbs help to stimulate circulation to prevent blockages.

Some illustrations:

Sarat, Austin's The Death Penalty: (The International Library of
Human Osteology: A Laboratory and Field Manuel of the Human Skeleton
Abrsm Song Book (Songbooks (Abrsm)) (Bk. 1) Paperback
North Atlantic Coast: Marine Mammal Behaviors
Profil D'une Oeuvre: Moliere: L'avare (French Edition)

The above lists the herbs and what areas they will help with. The following is an arthritis herbal cure recipe, which can be taken. If the recipe is too bitter, then add 1 part licorice root. Or, you can take out the most bitter part, the Chaparral Leaf, and take this by capsule form. You can buy these in capsule form, and place into hot water and sip the tea.

4 parts Chaparral Leaf (larrea divaricata)

2 parts Devil's Claw root (Harpagophytum procumbens)

2 parts Sassafras root bark (Sassafras albidum)

2 parts dried Ginger root (Zingiber officinale)

1 parts Black Cohosh root (Cimicifuga racemosa)

1 parts Burdock root (Arctium lappa)

1 parts Prickly Ash bark (xanthoxylum americanum)

The above recipe has been used in the West to help with arthritic and rheumatic conditions. This can be a very effective arthritis herbal cure.

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